The better way to business

Jul 29, 2024

We can’t be all things to all people, at least not all of the time.  Yet, running a business – particularly a small one – requires the wearing of many hats. What do you do when they don’t all fit?

Do any of these responses sound familiar?:  work long hours yet never get enough done; do the stuff you like and procrastinate on the rest; pay huge fees to experts in a few areas, none of whom connect as a team; source inexpensive help and spend more time re-doing their work than if you just did it yourself; lie sleepless at 3am wondering how it’s all going to get done.  You’re not alone.  Whether you own and run your own business or sit on the Board of an association, resourcing for success often feels out of reach.  But all is not lost.  At onsomble, we have helped many clients with this three-step process to help you regain control and focus more on your business, not just in it.

1. Find your North star:
“Begin with the end in mind.” Stephen Covey, Author and businessman

The importance of knowing your goals cannot be overstated.  Everything you do must be guided by where you’re going.  Ask yourself of everything you do ‘does this help reach the goal?’.  It’s such a simple tool to keep your sights set in the right direction and help you discern ‘busy’ from ‘productive’.

2. Identify your strengths:
The next step is to identify the things you or the Board can do for the business that (a) you have particular skills in, (b) only you can do, and (c) you enjoy (you’ll be better at them and more inclined to do them).

Typically, these tasks will be the highest value to the business. We guarantee you, you’re not bringing the best value you can if your time is taken up handling admin, with a focus down deep in the weeds.
Raise your gaze and define the value you can bring….

3. Fill the gaps:
…and then, let others do the rest. We call them gaps and every business has them: gaps in your skillsets, gaps in your knowledge, gaps in your understanding of your gaps!  Having acknowledged them, you then need to fill them. The best possible way is to create a team, but of course, SMEs and associations don’t tend to have an abundant spring of funds to put an expert in every role.

Outsourcing – smart outsourcing specifically – is the key.

The better way to business:
onsomble’s innovative business solutions give you the power of a big team without the extra overheads. We allow you to stick to what you do best and not waste your valuable time on areas of your business that are not your expertise. Say goodbye Jack of all trades, and hello freedom.

Find out how we can help your organisation grow and thrive.

Schedule a call today.



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