Strategy is not a dirty word.

Jul 29, 2024

While it might seem like the monster under the bed, a clear and simple strategy is the key to growth and freedom. (And it’s really more of a comforting teddy-bear when you get to know it!).


It’s not uncommon for the leaders of associations and small businesses to spend too much of their time ‘in’ the business rather than ‘on’ it and this can be limiting. Do you and the board spend a lot of each meeting debating what software to use to handle regular procedures, addressing issues within the team, reviewing venue options for events and other such ‘managerial’ topics? If so, you’re stuck in the weeds and aren’t adding your highest-level value.


Having a solid strategic plan (including a set of goals with a 3-year horizon and a detailed action plan for the coming 12-months) is the single best tool to help keep the business leaders focused in the right areas. The process of determining a strong strategy includes many steps, the first of which is to be clear on:

  • Who you are as an organisation – what do you do and what don’t you do?
  • What drives you and is important to you – what do you stand for?
  • What you want to achieve for your clients/members – what difference will you make in their lives?


In other words, you need to be crystal clear on your mission, vision and values (MVV). If you’ve missed it before, check out our Mission, Vision, Values Cheat Sheet which will help you to develop these guiding principles for your organisation.


The next step is to develop a three-year strategy; a set of aims addressing where you want to get to and what you want the organisation to look like in the future. You will be guided by your MVV while developing the strategic plan. We recommend between 3-5 key pillars or goal areas, with between 3-5 key goals under each one.


The final step in the planning phase is the development of a detailed plan of action for the following 12-month period. What do you need to achieve in the next year in order to set you up for success in three years? Broken down into quarterly goals and month-by-month actions, this document becomes your working roadmap.


The benefits of solid planning are many: less time questioning decisions along the way, eliminate the feeling that you’re spinning out of control, get all your stakeholders ‘on the bus’, have the knowledge you need to plan and budget for the resources you’ll require. The list goes on. For association boards and business owners, you can get back to your rightful role – in the driver’s seat.


Need help?

At onsomble, we have been helping small, service-based organisations develop and deliver effective strategies for over a decade. We’ve created a strategy development package for businesses like yours, delivered by me, onsomble’s founder and Managing Director. Learn about our package here.


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